Letter To My Younger Self

Have you ever thought about what you would say to younger you, if given the chance? What do you think you needed to hear? Do you think it would have changed the direction of your life?

To be honest, I had never considered the question until around my 30th birthday. It was a really bad year, and I was spending a lot of time analyzing the decisions that had led me to that point.

I have always been my harshest critic. And turning 30 caused me to ask myself: “what have I done with the last 10 years of my life?” While beating myself up for not achieving my full potential, I heard a little voice inside my head say “Shut Up!”

It was my inner child, the true version of myself that I had lost touch with long ago. She was sick of being quiet and below is what she had to say.

*This was written a couple years ago and I felt it was important to share. Because, even though I was talking to myself, the message is actually universal. There are so many people, that I know could benefit from hearing these words on a regular basis. I decided to share with you the raw, emotional, unedited version of this letter to myself. It may not be perfect but if you’ve ever been hard on yourself, or thought you weren’t good enough, I hope that these words speak to you. And I hope that they help you, the way they helped me.

Girl, sit down, I need to tell you something….

You are incredible, beautiful and smart; but you never give yourself enough credit. This life has not been easy so far. And I’m not saying it gets any easier, but you will get stronger.

Right now, you are hurting and you feel broken and you can’t see the light on the other side. I promise it is there, and it is there because you create it. Those tears will dry and you will take that deep breath, pick up the pieces and keep moving forward. And you will be amazed at what you are capable of!

You will lose everything that you know and love (including your self) more than once. You will rebuild from nothing, and every time it will be brighter and more beautiful than the last.

You will meet some amazing people, who love and support you. You will never forget the positivity they bring to your life.

You will have people who will literally try to hold you down, muffle your voice and hurt you. As frightening as it will be, you will get through it.

You’ve spent many days, weeks, months and even years feeling isolated and alone, with no where to turn. I wish I could let you know that you were never alone, all you had to do was ask. And you have always been loved by more people than you know.

Trust yourself!! You know what’s best for you! You are the only one standing in your way. There has never been a problem that you couldn’t conquer. You have so much to offer this world, don’t keep it to yourself just because you think you’re not good enough.

Speak up and stop hiding! You are not a burden to anyone in this world. Let your voice be heard because what you have to say is powerful.

Do NOT trust what you see in that mirror! It’s a lie. Believe the compliments, they really are the truth. And while you’re at it, stop hiding from the camera. One day soon, you will regret not having more pictures of your life and who you were.

Where I am today, is not at all what you had imagined for 30. Say yes more often and stomp all over your fears and insecurities; you will never regret it. The most fun is had when you just say ‘screw it!’

What Would You Say?

Consider a version of you from your past. Think back to when you didn’t give yourself enough credit or thought you were making the wrong decision. Look how far you’ve come since then and how things played out. Sometimes time allows us to see how amazing we truly were! You were strong and amazing then, and you’ve learned some things and grown since then. So just imagine how incredible you are now!

Share your advice to younger you in the comments below…