Imagine Living The Life YOU Want, Just By Being Yourself

for lgbt womEn who want to confidently & authentically live life on their terms. no more comforming to fit outdated standards or societal expectations. you’re one of a kind, let’s build a life that reflects that.
“Working with Diana is unlike anything else. You feel like you’re hanging out with a friend you’ve known forever. Then next thing you know, you’re life’s improving and you feel like yourself again. I don’t know how she does it. She sees the best in you and all your potential and then gets you to see and believe it too!” -Taylor M.

Your Life Should Be Lived For You

There’s a lot of noise out there telling you how to live your life and who to be. So many labels, opinions, expectations and responsibilities. Somewhere between trying to keep up and trying to figure out where you belong; you lost sight of who you really are. Your twenties should be about discovery and building the foundation of your adult life. But when a fundamental part of who you are goes against the societal norm, things get confusing and downright complicated.

As a LGBT Women or questioning member of the community, it can be really overwhelming. Specially when there aren’t a lot of people, examples or resources to help you along the way. So either by choice or habit, you default to going along with the norm.

I spent most of my twenties doing just that, trying to fit the mold of who I thought I should be and hiding everything I thought was unacceptable. Just before I turned 30, the walls came crashing down. From the outside my life seemed perfect, I was doing everything ‘right’, but inside I was miserable. My life was not my own and I knew something had to change.

The mission of Life Unanswered is to help you avoid going down a similar path. To be a resource, community and hub. Built around real life and real talk. To open the conversations we tend to avoid, challenge the status quo and create a new narrative.

Below, you’ll find all the resources and services available to you: a blog, the Facebook community and personalized coaching. Everything you need to confidently live life on your terms!

I’m Excited You’re Here and Welcome to Life Unanswered!

Are You Ready To Be Confident, Authentic and Free?

Hi, I’m Diana!

Founder of Life Unanswered and Self-Worth Coach for LGBT Women.

I’ve made it my mission to prevent as many people as possible from going through what I went through in my twenties.

When I stopped hiding, learned to fully accept myself and started living for me, I found true happiness.

I love connecting with people and helping them to accept, value & prioritize themselves.

You deserve the freedom to be yourself and live the life you want.

You deserve to be happy.

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