Hello there, and welcome to my little corner of the internet!
My name is Diana, I am the founder of Life Unanswered and Self-Worth Coach for LGBT Women.
I’ve made it my personal mission to help as many as I can, skip the struggle, and get straight to confidently and authentically living life on their terms. To be the person and create the resource and community that I needed 10 years ago.
Why This Mission Matters To Me
For the longest time, I searched for answers and advice but was left feeling broken and as if I was the only one experiencing these thoughts, questions, doubts and struggles. I spent more than a decade ignoring my intuition and sacrificing my identity to fit the mold of who I thought I should be. I didn’t trust that I knew what was best for me so I let everything around me dictate who I was and what my life should look like. All because I believed I was NOT ENOUGH.
From abusive relationships to debt, depression, anxiety, figuring out my sexuality & so much more. My twenties were rough, but nobody knew, because I spent the entire time living 2 lives. The façade of having everything figured out, doing all the things and living a life other people admired. And the internal reality that I felt as if I was living someone else’s life. No one really knew ME and everyday ended with the hope I wouldn’t wake up in the morning.
After 3 decades of living for everyone but myself and looking externally for acceptance and validation; I was done. This was my life, & I was going to live it for me. I ditched the expectations, the advice, and the opinions. I stopped hiding who I was and accepted my past. I started doing the things I wanted to do and felt right for me and my life, not the status quo.
2 years later, I was there. Genuinely happy and living the life I always dreamed of but never thought was possible. Great job, dream apartment, awesome friends who all know the real me, lots of travels and adventures; I could go on and on. It’s crazy what doors open when you accept who you are and start living for yourself!
Who Am I Outside Of Life Unanswered And Coaching
- I live in the beautiful state of Colorado.
- My first love was dance, specifically ballet. The point shoes, music, tutus, performances even the countless hours practicing and perfecting. I loved it all and still include dance in my daily life.
- I believe almost anything can be an adventure. Trip to the gas station, walk around the neighborhood…you never know what might happen. It just makes life more fun!
- I love to travel and hike. Looking for badass itineraries, beautiful scenery and unique experiences then I’m girl. Nature is where I go for inspiration, grounding and everything in between.
- I’m an amateur landscape & nature photographer. Nothing better than finding awe-inspiring sights, enjoying the wonders of nature and then capturing that felling.
- Music is life! I love finding new songs and artists to enjoy and almost always have music playing. I admire the artistry that goes into making music and the power that it has to impact us. I love to sing but I’m super shy about it lol.
- Finally, I’m a free spirited, empathic, yoga loving, vegan.
But above all of that, my passion is within this community. I love connecting with people just like yourself and engaging in a wide range of conversations. Just ask any of my friends. I truly believe the right community, paired with real conversations, has the power to change your life and the world around you.
My journey was bumpy and filled with detours, but yours doesn’t have to be. By sharing my story and creating this community, I hope to help you find your truth, create your one of a kind life and find your unique path to happiness.
I have dreamed of creating Life Unanswered and building this community for many years. I am so grateful that you have joined us and hope that you will get as much benefit as many others in this community already have!

Want to know more about me? Feel free to send me a message below, you can ask me anything
I’d love to chat!